Passing on what Mantle?
Gate Pa – 30th July 2013
Hebrew Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14
Psalm: Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20
Epistle: Gal 5:1, 13-25
Gospel: Luke 9:51-62
What I want to say:
Who are we passing our mantle
on to and what are we passing on?
What I want to happen:
People to reflect on the important people in their lives and
how they helped shaped them today
How they seek to help shape and support younger people today
Reflect on what need to let go of pass on mantle of Christ
The Sermon
1. Introduction:
Last week Jo asked us to think about people inspired us
Take that bit further this week
at 9.30 service explore story just heard of Elijah and Elisha
spend time four groups
story Elijah and Elisha
to story in art
stories those gone before us in this parish and how we inherited their mantle
stories those inspired us and mantle inherited from them
in groups talk about – those gone before us in this parish
inspired you
è what mantle inherited from them
2. Succession Planning
of the ministries I have been part of - constant theme - what succession plan
do I have in place
way saying
how am I intentionally passing on
the mantle of my ministry
not something we think about too
hope/assume/pray – someone will come
think it is worth all us thinking
about that
am I intentionally passing on the mantle of my ministry
3. What are we passing on
just finished listening to a book by
Northern Irish writer – Peter Rollins
exploring idolatry God
how Christian church turned God into commodity we sell
promise that God meet all our deepest longings and hopes,
will fill all our gaps
bring long lasting satisfaction and happiness
which suggests not what Christianity is about at all.
Finishes describing some events he ran with others in pub
Belfast which explored doubt, uncertainty, unravelling as good things lead us
true God
in one services finishes act everyone turning those around
offering crumpled paper from theological text saying – “my beliefs broken for
what on earth were they on about?
As I listened to that light bulb went on in my head
think got what this really difficult gospel reading heard
this morning is about.
4. The Gospel
What Jesus says hard
you can’t go
and bury your father
you can’t go
and say good bye family and loved ones
you can’t do
what we just did, look where come from so know who are and what to do in now
because all of that stops you truly seeing and hearing what I
am about
think still true today
but even
more so Jesus time
everyone agreed law summarised in “Love your neighbour as
yourself” (as heard in Pauls letter)
real limits to who was neighbour
group were actually love as yourself pretty small
looked a lot like you
understood to be those from family and community
what is more,
what you believed
and how put
that into practice
pretty much shaped by your family
and community
as it is today most parts world
trouble with those beliefs, and understanding of how
neighbour was
rendered large numbers people invisible
beyond your care
beyond God’s care
did not have to worry
Jesus was suggesting a much bigger understanding of who
neighbour is
was suggesting we needed bigger understanding God and God’s
work in world
knew that if people looked back to family and community,
compassion grow small again
5. Conclusion
while it is good to look back and see whose mantle we
inherited and how we live that out
have to do that holding Jesus words in our hearts
“No one who puts a hand to the plough
and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
important to ask
consider whose mantle picked up
we are passing on that mantle
What separates me from those around me?
What beliefs, attitudes, priorities
blind me to my neighbour
What might I need to let go of so
that I might see as Elisha saw