Facing our desires in Lent

Last week I talked about how our desires betray us. Despite our best intentions, our desires show who we truly are. They reveal how we see the world, God and our place in all this we cannot hide from them. 

This week we begin Lent by hearing the story of Jesus being tested in the wilderness. We too often use the word "tempted", but really this is a test: a test of Jesus' deepest desires and what they reveal about what it means for him to be the Son of God. And he is tested in the three areas that so often betray us: food and comfort, wealth and power, status and honour. Lent is a time for us to face these same tests through prayer, giving and fasting.

This lent our studies are on stewardship. Stewardship is about joining God's generous creativity for all this world and all who live in it. We can only do that when we face our desires.

May this Lent renew us all in being shaped in God's love and life.


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