Setting people free

Today’s gospel invites us to reflect on our motivations for being followers of Christ. Why are we on this journey to Good Friday and Easter?
In the story from Luke 13:31-35 we see Jesus confronting the powers of this world that seek to destroy people and their communities. The political powers represented by Herod, the religious powers represented by the Pharisees, and the powers of this world seen in sickness and demon possession. Jesus acts with compassion and courage to set people free and restore hope and life. His actions and teaching offer a vision of a transformed community with social, political and economic consequences. This will not be tolerated. He could have stopped. In today’s reading he is offered a chance to stop and go back to life as it was. But he turns away from that desire and continues his mission. He invites us to join him.
So why are we on this journey to Good Friday and Easter? What is it we hope to get out of it? What is our desire in all this?


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