Hope on a Dark Day

Can be listened to here.

Gate Pa – Year C 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Pentecost 26

Psalm                          Isaiah 12:2-6 -  God Is My Salvation  
First Reading:                         Isa 65:17-25                            
Second Reading:        2 Thess 3:6-13                    
Gospel:                        Luke 21:5-19                                     

What I want to say:
How should we respond to events here and in the world that cause us anger, fear, despair? Jesus in Luke says not by focussing on these things, good or bad, but on the activity of God in which we are involved. That is how we respond to a Trump Presidency
On Remembrance Sunday – what does all this have to offer?
What I want to happen:
Those who are part of this parish to be ongoing agents of generosity, life and hope in our community.

The Sermon

     1.      Introduction:

It would be fair to say that Wednesday was not the best day of my life.
I awoke hoping to see history made
            what seemed unthinkable 20 years ago now happening
            a woman president elect of the United States of America
but around 4pm I look at Stuff for results from America expecting to see Hilary winning, and instead it was all Trump and all republican
As a self-confessed bleeding heart left wing liberal – devastating
            the waves of anxiety hit me,
            and I had to shut off all newsfeeds and just focus on what needed doing
including writing the theme for the pew sheet.
Choir practice was hard work – I couldn’t concentrate
            I felt like the world was ending
-          little extreme, but not great news all round
-          I despair for my American friends
-          I despair for our world

     2.      The end is nigh

I feel like being one of those doomsayers – “we are all doomed” “the end is nigh” or “we are all going to die” or something cheerful like that.
It all feels like todays reading from Luke
which on first read is a little bleak
And here is Jesus, in the temple seemingly doing just that.
            “you’re all doomed”
In Luke’s telling of this story we are near the end
the shadow of death and the end of all the disciples are hoping for casts a long shadow across what we heard today.
The end is nigh
What we heard is part of what amounts to Jesus last words to his disciples
            so they are significant
            they are the means by which all else should be judged.
they are important and we need to take note

      3.      The Story

Jesus is in the temple
overhears what turn out to be some of his disciples being in awe of grandeur of temple
sign of God’s greatness and promise
to which Jesus says “you’re dreaming!”
or as The message puts it – ““All this you’re admiring so much—the time is coming when every stone in that building will end up in a heap of rubble.”
            conversation stopper really
to which those who had been talking respond
“What!! When?? What clue will we get that it’s about to take place?”
rest of reading is Jesus response
and how we read that response is really important
2 ways – here are the clues
                        I think I am too often tempted to read it this way
                        which really means I avoid it
            or – don’t worry needlessly about clues
                        there are no clues -> focus of what is important instead
which way is right?
first hint as to how we should read it is style Luke used record answer
and in Luke’s telling – style -  apocalyptic
            like Revelation
                        or parts of Daniel
apocalyptic literature is not about predicting future
            or accurately describing the past
all about assuring faithful
                        you and me
            that we should keep our trust in God
            even when facing the most troubling of circumstances
not about giving us clues future events and their meaning
            more an exhortation for us to hold our faith and hope in God.
light of that Jesus says
essentially – there are no clues!
or as message puts it –
“When you hear of wars and uprisings, keep your head and don’t panic. This is routine history and no sign of the end.”
so what is Jesus saying?
when bad things happen
            and they will (and have)
stay calm
- focus on God’s generosity and hope
there will be wars and famines and all kinds of bad stuff
            - don’t panic
some will come saying they have answers and can save us all
            – don’t listen
my followers will be persecuted, arrested, imprisoned, some even executed –      - don’t dwell on it, don’t live lives anticipating it.
do not give in to despair,
do not loose yourselves in fear or anger
don’t follow anyone proclaiming these as signs of end and God’s judgement
            they’re not
There are more important things to do
instead look to God
trust that God remains present
            in our lives and in our world
            even in America
words of hope, that I at least badly needed to hear.

    4.      E Tu

what a great week to have this reading.
But wait – there is more
if we see what Jesus is saying as signs/clues
we can just sit back and let God do what God will do
but if we are being told there are no signs/clues
we cannot just sit back in our despair letting God what God will do
This passage is an invitation to set aside despair
            focus instead on what is important.

      5.      Isaiah

so where should we focus our attention?
God is at work here
            because not only did lectionary writers give us this passage from Luke
with its message of hope
this week given amazing vision in Isaiah
vision given people seemingly trapped in exile
            at mercy of and in servitude to Babylonian empire
            with no hope
in today’s reading God offers those people
            and us as we face this uncertain world
vision of what reign of God will look like.
when you are tempted to give into despair
            or resentment
            or anger
when what is happening just seems too much
invite you take out your bibles read this passage
this is what Jesus was talking about
this is what should pay attention to
            this is what should consume us
            not despair
            this is what we should be inspired by
this is what should shape our lives
everything else is a distraction
That doesn’t mean we ignore Trump and his divisive polices
this vision and others like it
            is what we should work towards with all our hearts and minds
this is what loving God by loving our neighbour as ourselves looks like.
God is at work in this vision
            and invites us to join in.

      6.      Remembrance Sunday

Friday marked end WWI
Great war between empires
today Remembrance Sunday
            which is not big deal in this country
            we have ANZAC day
today we join with others around the world
remembering all those died in this war
            British Empire
            French Empire
            Russian Empire
            Ottoman Empire
            Austro-Hungarian Empire
we remember those came home forever changed
we remember cost paid by all these families
we remember those caught up wars spawned by this war
those caught up in conflict today
As we remember
            I wonder what would world look like today if leaders of Empires
            had not given in fear, anger, patriotism, greed
focussed instead on God’s work of generosity, goodness and peace.
let us weep for all these
work world where no more are caught up conflict

     7.      Conclusion

Today we grieve
            some will grieve the events in  USA this week
            we all grieve for those caught in war
as we grieve we also join hearers of Isaiah’s great vision of hope
We hear again Jesus teaching to not give in to despair
to not get overtaken by events
instead to bring our dwindling hopes, our fears, our sadness and anger
refocus on truth
            that God continues work in this world
            bringing in God’s reign built on generosity and hope, goodness and peace
May we lay aside our grief, our despair
be a people marked by hope.


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