The Crucified King

Can be listened to here

Gate Pa – Year C  34th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Reign of Christ Sunday

Psalm                          The Song of Zechariah   (Luke 1:68-79)                     
First Reading:                         Jer 23:1-6                                                       
Second Reading:        Col 1:11-20
Gospel:                        Luke 23:33-43                       

What I want to say:
explore what Luke suggests are the marks of Jesus Kingship
            what does this tell us about the nature of God
            what does this mean for how we exercise leadership, and what we look for in leaders
offer Elisabeth of Hugary as an example of leadership

What I want to happen:
 people to reflect on what images of God shape their response to God's aroha

The Sermon

     1.      Introduction: (ppt)

today is a big day
            last Sunday in Ordinary Time – next Sunday Advent starts
                        countdown for Christmas begins
            last Sunday we have with Luke
            Stir up Sunday – stir up Christmas pudding
            Christ in all Creation Sunday
            Aotearoa Sunday
            Christ the King or Reign of Christ Sunday
where to begin with all that

     2.      Christ the King

really important phrase
            used a lot
            potential to deeply mislead us.
what words or images come to mind when you hear the word “king”?
what words come out of your experience of “kingship?”
            (my list includes despot, distant, powerless, scandal, irrelevant)
not an easy concept
trouble with term “Christ the King” is that we tend to apply our experience and these words.
seen in kind images that Christ the King elicit from internet – (ppt show the images)
we understand Jesus Christ and his ministry using these ideas
miss the really radical thing gospel writers thought that Jesus was on about.
miss that Jesus came among us to remind us
            who God is – shows through life, teaching, actions, and his death
                        all of which is affirmed in resurrection
            in light of all that – reminded about who we are
put this another way
            instead of letting gospel portrayal of Jesus to shape and inform our understanding of who God is
                        which is why gospels were written
                        written so that we might know who God is   
            use our ideas about who God is to understand Jesus
                        really good example of that going wrong Brian Tamaki’s disgusting and heretical words this week  

     3.      Year of Luke

We have spent a year hearing Luke’s portrayal of Jesus
            a year of hearing Luke using story Jesus to describe the nature of God
how then would you say Luke describes Jesus kingship?

     4.      Crucifixion

it is no accident that on Christ the King Sunday we have the story of the crucifixion
but it makes no sense to us
We would never picture a king like this
            as images on internet show
despite the fact that this is exactly the moment in gospels that Christ is lifted in glory
            that his kingship is announced
what then can we take out of today’s reading that might help us understand the kingship or reign of Christ
-          does not fight back
-          crucified – death by which Roman king (Caesar) declares him and his message as powerless and meaningless – best forgotten by everyone
o   by their standards a failure
o   why is it we keep depicting Christ the king using imperial Rome as template
§  Jesus was not usurping Caesar -
§  cf Jesus offering whole new way of understanding kingship
§  servanthood rather than power

-          forgives – everyone.
o   not just those who confess
o   everyone, even those showing no remorse in their actions at all
o   heart of this kingship is God’s love for all and offer forgiveness to all.
§  even that is misleading
·         we are forgiven whether we want it or not
-          offers to bring one who is condemned with him into paradise – so that he no longer faces condemnation
o   in moment he is declared an outcast
§  he becomes the one who breaks down boundaries that exclude so many people
There is a word missing in this title Christ the king
word crucified
and that world changes everything
what then is the kingship portrayed in this story?
what does it teach us about God?
what does it teach us about us?

     5.      Us

today we affirm our desire to be shaped by crucified King
our lives are supposed to be based on this kingship
            they are to demonstrate this kingship
how we lead is to demonstrate this kingship
our expectations of our leaders is to demonstrate this
fair to say that too often our models leadership had very little to do model Jesus offers us
much more to do with how rest society operate
            models based on imperial rule
            or ruling class at best
more about obtaining and keeping of power and control
maintaining status quo
-          rather radical vision of society offered in gospels and Paul
-          led to church becoming bastions of sexual abuse
§  mysongey
§  homophobia
§  implicit in destruction indigenous cultures around the world
continue to see that in conservative evangelicals continuing support Donal Trump and his list appalling policies
            policies which are at odds with what crucified kingship Christ is about
            only fit with an imperial model of kingship
also been many through last 2,000 years who have modelled life following Christ the crucified king
            people like St Francis
            Elizabeth of Hungary
            Hilda of Whitby
as we finish our year with Luke
we are invite to join them
as we enter new liturgical year
let go of our old ways understanding kingship
instead to be people of crucified king


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