Thoughts on peace this advent

Today we continue our journey through Advent, the theme for this week is peace.  Hope (last week’s theme) and peace go together. In today’s readings we are offered some amazing images of hope and peace, especially in Isaiah; images of both predator and prey lying together in peace. Given the events of this year this seems so distant. And yet we are called to be a people who live out of this hope despite the evidence.
In the reading from Matthew we are given the image of being re-rooted. Advent is a time to ask ourselves what pots we are currently rooted in and how they help or hinder our life in God. It offers us a time to open ourselves to the possibility of being re-rooted into God’s peace, hope love and joy (the themes for Advent).
During this week I invite you to take time at the end of each day to give thanks for ways God brought peace and hope into your day,  and to reflect on the roots that might help you to live peace.


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