Some Big Questions

It might be that the last year and a half have raised some big questions for some of you. Questions about why this has happened. Questions about what being a follower is really about. Today’s readings, especially the readings from Job and Mark, are full of some of these big questions.

We can join with Job in his absolute bewilderment at what is happening with him. Or more precisely in his pleading’ “why O God have YOU done this to me?” How often have we heard people ask that question? How often have we asked that question? At the heart of this question is our understanding of God, and God in our lives. It is such a fundamental question. And we will have to wait another week to hear how God responds. As we wait and ponder that question it might be helpful to remember that the lectionary has led us from the initial story of Job’s misfortune and completely missed his friends’ unhelpful attempts to aid him. They live in a very narrow theological world and they invite us to wonder in what way our narrow theological world is being challenged in this story.

Jesus too is confronted with another of those questions that come out of our understanding of God and the world and holds our hopes and fears; “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” At so many levels this is such a flawed question. To inherit contains a large element of entitlement. Yet eternal life is a gift. We can never earn it like this man was trying to do. Again, narrow theological views leading to big questions that can lead us down the wrong path.

This passage also asks another question that is asked less often – what does life look like when we have eternal life? Eternal life starts now. Eternal life is living God’s compassion as part of new ways of being community, especially compassion for the poor. In this story Jesus is showing compassion to the man. He invites him into a new relationship with others especially the poor. But he cannot lay down his status and power. So where do we see ourselves in this story? We who are among the richest in the world.

With all the uncertainty around Covid, what big questions are we asking? What do they reveal about us? What might we be invited to let go of as we read these readings?

There will be no sermon notes. I am taking a few days off.


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