And So It Begins

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Gate Pa – Palm Sunday 2024


Psalm                          Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Gospel:                       Mark 11:1-11

What I want to say:

I want to help people enter into this story to
Where are we in this story?
What do we see?

What I want to happen:

Who is Jesus? Let go of our stereotypes and engage with the one presented in the gospels

The Sermon

this symbolic journey
neatly planned

the colt prepared and ready

begins in Bethany
this revolutionary act
begins on the hill
the holy city


we begin
on our hill
in Hori Tapu
hidden behind trees
old memories of battles and deaths
under our feet
as we look back
and remember.


it begins with his friends
his disciples and supporters
            those who have risked everything on him
men and women
all those who have journeyed to this point
with shouts and joy
they throw clothes on the colt
sing the psalms of ascent
crying hosanna
         a cry of gratitude
and a plea to be saved
confident and hopeful
and yet
and yet….


in their midst
Jesus sets out
on this last journey of provocation
down into the shadow
others join in
people of Bethany who know them
people of Bethany who rejoice with them
laying branches from the fields in his way
at this safe distance
they sing the psalms of defiance
for now
they will accompany them down the hill
down to the Kidron
but maybe
not all the way
danger lies
       in the shadow
of that great city.
Pilate has arrived 
atop his war house
surrounded by battle hardened legionaries
here for business
the business of keeping order
the business of dealing
with any expressed longing
for Rome’s end.
slowly they are engulfed
other pilgrims at journeys end
weary and expectant
here for Passover
here for preparation
some are excited to see Jesus
some are uninterested
some keep their distance
some have no idea who he is.
Jesus leaves his donkey
and becomes one of them
a pilgrim
washing in the pool
walking the way
up the hill
into the holy place
joining in the songs of hope
held in the words of those psalms
hosanna is such a dangerous word
they pass the locals pedalling their wares
offering sustenance
making the most of this pilgrim throng
unaware of who walks past
simply there to make ends meet
up the grand steps
up under the arches
through the internal walkways
into Herod’s magnificent renovations
the second temple
they stand.
they stand
under the watchful gaze
of the temple guards
alert to the unruly
to all who would bring upheaval
safeguarding the temple hierarchy
the priests and their work
ordering the sacrifices
ordering life
keeping peace with Rome.
and there above them all
sits the Antonio
the Roman fortress
locked on the end
overseeing all
safeguarding Rome’s interests
into this steps Jesus
a single figure among so many
into this movement
he stands
and sees everything!
so where are we in all this?
a disciple risking all
in the Bethany crowd waving and cheering
some close with peril
some simply enjoying the moment
some keeping a safe distance
a fellow traveller on the same road
a bemused pilgrim
a local living each day
a temple guard holding order
among the priests keeping peace
or with Rome
in the Antonio
as we gather
on this hill
on this day of remembering
where are we?
what is the everything that Jesus sees?
what is it we are invited to see?


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