Reframing the Picture

You can listen to this sermon here

 Gate Pa – Lent 5 2024


Hebrew Scripture:    Jeremiah 31: 31-34
Psalm:                         51:1-12
Epistle:                        Hebrews 5: 5-10
Gospel:                        John 12: 2-35

What I want to say:

Explore how John and Jeremiah reframe what is going on to find hope in the midst of despair.
As we approach an interregnum and gather for our AGM how might we reframe the story of Anglican Parish of Gate Pa?
What might the parable fo the seed dying to bear fruit offer us in these fragile times?

What I want to happen:

How does John help us reflect on:
  • What do we need to reframe as Anglican Parish of Gate Pa
    • As we come to our AGM
    • As we come to uncertain future with my retirement
  • How does this morning’s reading from John help us be that seed
  • Help us be vehicle for new life
    • find hope.

 The Sermon

1.     Introduction

That was a crazy little story
Greeks want to see Jesus
Go to Phillip
He goes to Andrew
-         Both from Greek speaking area of Bethsaida
They go to Jesus
He says “The time has come for the Human One[a] to be glorified. 24 I assure you that unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it can only be a single seed. But if it dies, it bears much fruit….”
I’m left with so many questions
-         Who are these Greeks?
-         Did they ever get to meet Jesus?
-         And what is Jesus on about?
Often said that gospel writers not writing history,
-         but theology using story of Jesus
If there was anywhere in the Gospels that show the writers are more interested in theology
-         This is it
-         Because from story point of view this is crazy stuff!
-         From a theology point of view this is big stuff

2.     Starting again

Lets put all this back into John
Jesus goes to Bethany and raises Lazarus from dead
People are pretty impressed
Those that saw this tell other people
Then Jesus rides donkey into Jerusalem
-                    the crowd came to meet him,
-                    because they had heard about this miraculous sign that he had done. 
really annoys the Pharisees
-         Say  to each other, “See! You’ve accomplished nothing! Look! The whole world is following him!”
Feels a bit of an exaggeration
Until in the next verse
Some Greeks were among those who had come up to worship at the festival.  They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and made a request: “Sir, we want to see Jesus.”
Who are Greeks?
-         Depends on commentary you are reading
-         Jews live in diaspora – live in Greek world but come back prepare for festival.
-         Gentiles converted
-         Gentiles that interested in Judaism but not fully embraced
Does John care?
They represent “the world”
And that means it is game on!
Up to this point Jesus says “My time hasn’t come yet.” (John 2:4)
In response to all this Jesus says
-         “The time has come for the Human One[a] to be glorified”
Here is when it gets interesting
Except we are so used to all this we miss it.


3.     The cross

Problem for gospel writers and all early Christians
-         The cross!!!
Crucifixion was a long slow brutal execution
-         Humiliating
-         Utter defeat of person and all they stood for
-         Declared completely worthless.
4 gospel writers and Paul
-         John in particular
Reframe this to be the moment of victory and hope
-         The moment when God’s glory and presence is made manifest
-         God’s honour and nature revealed
Johns spends a huge amount of his gospel setting this up.
God is not defeated on the cross
In fact he reframes and reverses it all
Powers of death and decay
-         Shown in the violence and brutality of crucifixion
They are shown to be powerless
-         Utterly defeated
cross reframed from utter humiliating defeat
-         to the turning point history,
-         moment where God’s honour, glory, and presence are revealed for all people.
Creation is freed
God’s life can flourish


4.     John and us

John was writing for community under pressure
-         Calamity of temple’s destruction
-         Pain of being cast out of synagogue
o   Rejected by wider Jewish world
-         Fear of persecution
-         Grief and despair of people leaving small struggling church community.
John knows that to follow Jesus is to follow him to cross
Let go of need for certainty
-         Safety
-         Comfort
-         Expectations of how things should be
Let go
Become a seed
Join the Greeks seeing Jesus now on a cross
See God’s glory and presence in that moment.
Trust that glory and presence
In that moment of defeat comes new life
-         Comes hope
Telling story in a way that hearers imagination would be blown apart
-         and they would begin to see the world and their place in it in a new light,
-         God’s light revealed in crucifixion.
Writer of John knew that
Invites us to know that too.


5.     AGM’s and Such @@@

We live in some tough times for mainline churches
If we have courage and look around
On precipice
Church as we know it is struggling
Dying in some places
Fear for our future
Fear for future this diocese
Fear for future Anglican church In this country
And yet I have hope
25 years ago preached sermon at Mount
-         Turning 40
-         Looked around
-         Wondered if there would be a church for me to retire from
-         Wondered if church to bury me
Lost hope for awhile
Invited to reframe the story
Just as John reframed the story of the crucifixion
Found God present in the midst of all that is happening
Invited to trust
Invited hope
Invited to find courage to live God’s promise of renewal and life
For all people and all creation
Invite you reflect on:
  • What do we need to reframe as Anglican Parish of Gate Pa
    • As we come to our AGM
    • As we come to uncertain future with my retirement
  • How does this morning’s reading from John help us be that seed
  • Help us be vehicle for new life
    • find hope.


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