Being Somebody

You can listen to this sermon here

 Gate Pa – Year B 3rd Sunday in Lent, 2024


Psalm                          Psalm 19
First Reading:             Exodus 20:1-17 
Second Reading:        1 Cor 1:18-25
Gospel:                       John 2:13-22       

What I want to say:

Last week we talked about “carrying our cross with some examples of “martyrs”. Then read about MLK Jr, and some of his experiences with his father – living the truth that he was created a man in the image of God. Carrying our cross can be as simple as this.

In light of that explore Exodus 20 – 10 Words – not as something to be done to earn God’s approval, but given to people already brought out o slavery with God’s presence in their midst – in clouds and tent of meeting.10 Words taught them to live as people marked by God’s compassion and generosity – displaying that justice, mercy, aroha for all – Blessed to be a blessing

John portrays Jesus as one step further – not marked by God’s compassion and generosity, but God’s compassion and generosity enfleshed! He is God’s compassion and generosity.

Read John 2 and John’s “Temple Incident” in light of that, remembering that when John is written there is no temple! Jesus is not superseding  the temple – the temple is already gone

Through the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, we are God’s compassion and generosity in our place

What I want to happen:

How do we embody God’s compassion and generosity in our lives.

The Sermon

       1.    Introduction:

Last week we spent time thinking about Mark’s story of Jesus
-        Near Caesarea Philippi
-        Place built by those who
o   won world through military might and violence
-        Rebuilt in honour of Roamn generals and Caesars
o   Won world again through military might and power
-        “Who do people say I am?”
-        Conversation with Peter
Then he teaches that he will be crucified
-        Another conversation with Peter
Summarised what Jesus was saying with
-        Way of God
-        Not way of violence and military might, power
-        Way of Aroha
ð is to love God by loving our neighbour as we love ourselves.
This way is very disruptive of powers of this world
Will bring a response from powers of this world
Will bring a response and Jesus will be crucified
Jesus says “All who want to come after me must say no to themselves, take up their cross, and follow me.
All who want to save their lives will lose them. But all who lose their lives because of me and because of the good news will save them.” (Mark 8:34+35).
We told stories of some who had
-        Stood with God’s disruptive work
-        God’s Way of Aroha
-        stood with suffering
-        Archbishop Janani Luwum
o    Paid price.
Went home and listened to biography about MLK and Malcolm X by James Cone
-         Martin’s experiences of racism in south growing up
-        power of church provide shelter
-        place of resistance to Jim Crow and its insistence that Negros were nobody

“God, African American Christians claimed, could make the crooked roads straight and the rough places plain. They believed that God builds you up when you are torn down and props you up on every leaning side no matter what white said about blacks or what wicked laws they enacted against their humanity. The people of Ebenezer believed that God had bestowed upon them a “somebodyness” which had been signed and sealed by Jesus’ death and resurrection. That was why they sang with great enthusiasm and prayed with much thankfulness for what the Lord had done for them." (Martin and Malcolm and America: A Dream or a... by Cone, James H)

Made me rethink taking up the cross
Faith as resistance to inhumanity
But to live “somebodyness” was dangerous
Daddy King would not bow to the inhumanity of Jim Crow
One story he was stopped and policeman said “Boy, show me your licence”
To which Daddy King replied – pointing at his son, Martin
“He is a boy, I am a man”
He was living the truth of his “somebodyness”
that he was created a man in the image of God
- Risked beating
- Arrest
- Lynching

Realised that for many carrying their cross for is simply day to day living
Simply living being somebody
- Living their somebodyness in God
Wonder where in this land and around world – people living this truth
Where do we see people living the truth of somebodyness
- Truth of being made in image of God
- In the face of being called nobody
- living carrying their cross? 

      2.    10 Words

As we wonder that
we are offered some interesting texts this week
First is 10 commandments in Exodus
(slightly different from Deuteronomy version)
Decalogue or 10 Words
Wonder how we read these
Rules to obey to earn something?
Or avoid punishment
These are given to people already brought out of slavery by God
-        Not deserved that through obedience to any code
God simply acted out of compassion and mercy
Taken these nobody slaves
Made them somebody
In this story God is present in their midst
-        in pillars
-        ark and tent of meeting.
-        Eventually temple
We might say that to live these 10 words was
-        Live as somebody
-        in the presence of God
Not just anybody
10 Words taught them to live as people marked by God’s compassion and generosity
-        displaying God’s justice, mercy, aroha for all
-        or as covenants of Genesis 12 and 15 state
-        Blessed to be a blessing
Temple and system of sacrifices were set to remind People of God
God’s presence in their midst
-        Shekinah
God’s glory which was to mark their lives
God’s glory made them somebody
-        different from all other people
This is the way of God
God’s disruptive way
God standing with the suffering
-        naming them as somebody in God
That leads to the cross

      3.    John and the temple

Troubling story of Jesus in temple in John
Not where it is in other gospels
Different story from synoptics
Reason for Jesus’ outrage is not stated
It is implied that it is much more than just corruption
-        More at stake here
When John is writing Jerusalem is destroyed
-        Temple is no more
-        There is no temple
-        Which for his Jewish Christian community that is a problem
-        First Christians were good Jews
What is John doing in his gospel and in this story?
John portraying Jesus not just as fully somebody
-        Somebody living God’s compassion and generosity
-        As 10 words show
not marked by God’s compassion and generosity,
He is God’s compassion and generosity.

he is God’s compassion and generosity enfleshed!

THE somebody who shows us how to be somebodies
Read John 2 and John’s “Temple Incident” in light of that,
Jesus is not superseding the temple –
-        Jesus was good Jew
-        In Jerusalem for Passover
-        In temple to prepare for Passover
-        Zeal for this house and all that house stood for consumes him
-        He is not setting himself over and above the temple in this story
As John says he is writing this
After resurrection
After destruction of temple
John and his community remember Jesus’ word and actions in light of that
Jesus becomes God’s presence in their midst
-        Shekinah
God’s glory which makes these nobody fishermen and others
-        Somebody
-        different from all other people
Temple is gone
Jesus in now the location of that glory
I think John goes further as says
Through the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension,
In power of Spirit
we too enflesh God’s compassion and generosity
-        physical manifestations of divine presence of generosity and compassion
Pray this prayer as pour water into the wine
“As this water mingles with this wine
So may your divinity mingle with our humanity
Your humanity mingle with our divinity
That we may be drawn into the eternal Dance of Love
And be icons of your justice, compassion and generosity.”
Maybe add
That we may truly be somebody
Jesus reminds us
To be somebody in God is dangerous
As it was for Daddy King
And so many others still today
How does lent help us in all this
Offer Rodney Aist – Course Director at St George’s in Jerusalem

      4.    Video



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