Emerging church

Emerging church stuff is slowly getting on the agenda of the Anglican Church here. slowly. people are talking about it. Some people are even doing study leave on it. People are wanting to do some new things. We just don't seem to know what to do. We need people from outside our square who have a toe or foot in our tradition who can be given permission and resources to do some new things and try new ways of mission and being church. The resources are the problem. so much energy and moeny is spent keeping what we have going. When we have an opporutnity to be freative we get sidetraccked into issues of amkign sure we all get our fair share. We don't think whole church, or even whole tikanga. We retreat into our own littel box!! it is so frustrating!!

Mostly I think we need good anglican youth workers to be liberated into soemthing new. One day soon it will happen.

anywho, here is a seminar that might jog us along a bit, or might not.


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