I had a strange conversation a few months ago. I was lying back in a chair, naked from the waste down, holding a nappy over my bits while I waited for the skin under my bits to go numb enough from liquid nitrogen or some such thing, so that they could inject the local anesthetic and then punch a couple of holes through to the prostate. All in all a fun experience. And while I waited the nurse made small talk and asked what I did. "I'm retired", I replied. "Oh, what are you planning to do now you are retired? any travel?" "Turns out not" I said, "It seems I'm just keeping my dairy open for dealing with health things." And I am still keeping my dairy open and still dealing with them. This journey began last year. I was already dealing with two other things, including a lump in my parotid gland which has been slowly growing there for about 3 years. When I got back from being overseas on sabbatical my doctor called me in to talk about that an...
I went on a youth camp over new years. ( This bit is new) It was overall a good camp. The young people who organised it did a really good job, and I had a good time all in all. While I will go on to question one of the speakers in particular, mostly the others were good. One used Nooma dvd's and another retold bible stories to great affect. But I want to make some comments about it that arise not only out of this event but also other events I have been on. They are observations of what we offer young people which arise out of the question, is what we offer young people at such events the best we can do? Original posting continues... I have to say the music wears me down. It is all about Jesus and me, hardly ever us. And when how to stay on the Christian journey is talked about it is in terms of my devotional life, and never about our life as a church, and even being part of a community. It is very individualistic, and is so deeply deeply flawed. And it is so not Anglican!!! Anglica...
You can listen to this sermon here Gate Pa - Ascension Sunday and Easter 7 Year B, 2024 Readings: Palm Psalm 1 First Reading: Acts 1:1-11, 15-17,21-26 Bible Page 884 Second Reading: 1 John 5:9-13 Bible Page 991 Gospel: John 17:6-19 ...