Julain of Norwich - Great English Theologian

I have been doing a course on the pastoral function of christian doctrine this year, which has been fantastic. I have just finished an assignment on Julian of Norwich and how her theology applies to spiritual direction. Fascinating stuff.
strangely enough, I am now a great fan of Augustine of Hippo, and Athanasius is wonderful.

anyhow, here is a wee quote from Julian to encourage us as we head of to our General Synod.

“And in this she showed me something small, no bigger than a hazelnut, lying on the palm of my hand, as it seemed to me, and it was as round as a ball, I looked at it with the eye of my understanding and thought, “What can this be? I was amazed that it could last, for I thought that because of its littleness it would suddenly have fallen into nothing. And I was answered in my understanding: It lasts and always will, because God loves it; and thus everything has being through the love of God.”In this little thing I saw three properties. The first is that God made it; the second is that God loves it; the third is that God preserves it. But what did I see in it? It is that God is the Creator and the protector and the lover. For until I am substantially united to him, I can never have perfect rest or true happiness, until that is, I am so attached to him that there can be no created thing between my God and me."


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