Ashamed to live in the Bay

I am ashamed to come from the Bay of Plenty today. My local MP, whom I voted for, has been busy bagging (bad phrase given his propensity to scratch himself in public) Maori, gays, Muslims in Burkes (they are all terrorists) and now the speaker of the house. Why did I vote for him again?

And now one of our other local MP's, Tony Ryall, again a member of the conservative National Party, is outraged that their is racially targeted health spending going on in this country. Maori men over 35 are being helped to join gyms. Why, because Maori men die at appalling rates and young ages from lack of exercise and poor diet. I suspect the Health Board is trying to do something about it. All, I repeat, all, the health research says that targeted expenditure is the best way to deal with health issues. And Maori health statistics show a crisis!! What does Tony want us to do? Nothing I think. He is being his own brand of politically correct that is not targeted funding. This is not based on any research, but on his own political agenda. In short, he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his constituents for his own political self aggrandizement.

Currently we have another MP being hounded by the media for corruption. He is accused of accepting money to act as some of his constituent’s MP. I don’t know if this is right or wrong, although I am intrigued there already has been an inquiry into the matter, and the current accusers did not come forward then. It makes me wonder?? Anyhow, it seems to me that young Tony is being much more corrupt in that he is playing with people’s lives. Instead of being questioned about this by our wonderfully inept media, they support him! Maori basing sells more papers.

There is a whole group of people that want us to all be one and all be New Zealanders, including Tony and his scratching mate Bob. But if we are to be all one, then we need to care for each other. That means caring that so many Maori die young and wanting to do something about it. When Tony and Bob and their leaders show any sign that they care, then maybe I will take them seriously. But till them they deserve nothing but contempt.

I am ashamed to be a New Zealander. I am outraged by my MPs. I am sick of our media’s self importance and lack of ability to really report the issues.
But I feel better for blogging this!! Thanks Blogger!

Peace and blessings


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