Israel and being Franciscan

I am in England. I have just been to the European General chapter for TSSF. It was entitled "Heralds of the Great King" and was centred around 5 themes: Racial Justice
Justice Peace and the Integrity of Creation
Sexual Orientation
Interfaith Matters
Mission and Evangelism.

Holding it all together was worship, adn enough time to sit and talk to people over meals and refreshment breaks.

I did JPIC as one of my two options. One session was spent on climate change, and another on Palestine/Israel. I struggled a bit with it as it seemed simplistic in its presentation, and almost anti-Israel. Don't get me wrong, I am horrorfied and angered by the actions of the present Isreali governemnt. But I don't think anything is served in taking sides, especially as christians, and especially as Franciscans. Surely we speek with more integrity while werving both sides, standign with the innocents on both sides, and calling for justice and peace for both sides.

I am heartend that the Anglican and Catholic bishops have called for prayer for peace. Too often we are not seen or heard as Christians on such matters. Until there is peace, there shoudl be prayer vigils going on all over the place, and the wider community being invited to take part as well.

Francis instructed his brothers to serve the muslims, and in this way preach the gospel. So too se must serve and pray, and in that way maybe we can bring peace.


Paul Fromont said…
John, hope all goes well for you. Look forward to your stories when you return.


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