
 Gate Pa – Advent 3,
15th December 2013
Hebrew Scripture:     Isa 35:1-10                              Bible Page 578                       
Psalm:                         Luke 1:46-55                                       NZPB Page 41
Epistle:                        James 5:7-10               Bible Page 982           
Gospel:                        Matt 11:2-11                                       Bible Page 792           

What I want to say:
In this season which seems to be all about how God offers us joy, I want to use the readings to explore what gives God joy

What I want to happen:
people to reflect each day on how they offer God joy, and how in turn they receive joy.

The Sermon

      1.      Introduction:

what comes to mind when see or hear word “joy” at this time of year
Joy is tricky thing
different things cause people joy – not all same
it is complicated

       2.      John’s Joy

Gospel – baptism of Jesus, already heard John’s joy and anticpation
this week confused
Jesus is not living up to his expectations
seems looking for bit more winnowing fork action
all seems getting ton of compassion
what Jesus is up to is not bringing him much joy
sends messengers from prison check out that Jesus really is one waiting for
            check not suffering case premature joy
Matthews’s gospel already had account of Jesus teachings (sermon on the Mount) and summary of his deeds,
Jesus refers to all this
frames it using passages out Isaiah

       3.      Isaiah 

For three synoptic writers at least, Isaiah was important resource in understanding Jesus
sometimes called 5th gospel
use here not only situates Jesus within wider prophetic tradition
claim that what prophets, especially Isaiah, looking for is coming true in words and deeds of Jesus
Explore Isaiah
three different times
1-39 – During Assyrian invasion of Israel (centred around Samaria) to north 722 (740 – 700 BCE)
40-55 – Exile 597 BCE, c. 587 BCE, and c. 582 BCE, respectively.
56-65 – post exile 538 BCE
100 years before Jeremiah
passage heard today situated end 1st Isaiah 
            – acts bridge to 2nd Isaiah
-          healing of last days
                        restoration of exiles – are no exiles yet
                        renewal of land
                        transformation of society
Jesus reply to John anchors his ministry in this vision of Isaiah
does two things
            lets John work out for himself based on evidence whether Jesus is the one
                        and in doing so invites us to work out for ourselves
            by using this Jesus adopts Isaiah’s vision as his agenda for the here and now
                        raises interesting question – Matthews asks us what our agenda in our here and now is and what it is based on?

       4.      God’s Joy

Theme for this week in advent is Joy
One ways think about Christmas is of moment great joy
            creations joy
            joy those present
            our joy celebrating event
wonder what happens think about this event as moment of great joy for God
what is it about Christmas that would bring God joy
answer I think can be found is this morning’s readings
            in vision in Isaiah
            in Matthews use of that vision in Jesus response to John
also found song Mary we read this morning

       5.      Mary

last week after Pope described rampant capitalism as evil
American commentator on Fox – described as him as Marxist
            clearly using this in a negative way
clearly never read gospels
clearly never read Magnificat
really unsure how she ends up being meek and mild
mouthpiece God who seeks raise up poor, vulnerable, outcast
            is bringing down rich, powerful,
global scale is not good news for us
whole lot of us chanted and said Magnificat over years without really thinking about what that would mean for us
there have been rich powerful people taken exception to what is written there
in last 100 years alone banned by three south American countries public recitation – seen as too subversive
what then brings joy to God
invite you spend time end each day relefting on how added to God’s joy
ways you have not brough joy to God and god’s people
what ways may be invited in making vision Isiah reaity in our here and now today

preparing moment of great joy


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