Watching and praying
Gate Pa – Year A - Advent 1 2013
Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalm: Psalm: 122
Epistle: Rom
Gospel: Matt 24:36-44
What I want to say:
Advent is time to reflect on what we wait for and how we
wait and watch
Ask “what are we waiting for the Advent?
Watching for peace is more than hoping that all will be well
it is an active watching – getting involved in God’s peace
- living is such a way that we live as
if God’s reign of justice and peace is now.
Isaiah offers image of instruments of war and death being
turned into instruments of food production and life - more than just beating ploughshares – about
learning whole new way of being
that involved unlearning ways of war in our households,
personal relationships and how we see the world and learning that ways of peace
What I want to
people to spend this week
reflecting on what habits and practices of conflict do they need to unlearn and
what practices and habits of peace they need to learn
The Sermon
1. Introduction:
how many went to see film “The
find someone who went – what their
some of mine include:
all that in my lifetime
hatred and violence against black people which was seen and normal and
tolerated, even expected by good church going white Americans
saddened me as I watch is that for many - their Christian faith undergirded
their racism
America has come along way
like us it has long way to go
2. What is advent?
time of waiting
are we waiting for? (ask)
certainly – looking back to
Christmas and preparing for celebration Christ’s coming in 25 days
todays reading reminds us that it
is also looking forward to end of time
second coming
Gods reign
justice peace
reminded that in beginning is God
and in end there is God
and God brings accountability,
justice, hope, and peace among the nations
3. Watching
all part Jesus final speech
speeches were of huge importance – stature person relied on this last speech
words of wisdom and instructions,
when close death thought to be in a thin space – able to see and understand
more rest life
one key parts reading is command to
and we are told to not be so busy
that we fail to watch for this reign
that is what advent is all about
taking the time to watch
in particular we invited watch for
God’s peace, hope, joy and love
4. Reading from Isaiah
set time when Israel and Judah were
either at war or preparing for war
face of that Isaiah offers this
audacious image
that they were to learn ways of
For us that means “Watching for
that is more than hoping that all will be well
question from New Westminster about
my involvement in justice issues
about them
articles about them
petition on internet about some
hunch looking for more
hunch that watching for peace is
more than this as well
is an active watching
involved in God’s peace
is such a way that we live as if God’s reign of justice and peace is now.
for me Butler example of that
young people who
decided to live as if God’s reign of justice and peace
they sat in diners in place knew
should be able sit
caught buses knew not allowed on
lived as it racism and
segregation did not exist.
Isaiah asking hearers to do same
offers image of instruments of war
and death being turned into instruments of food production and life
- more than just beating ploughshares
– about learning
whole new way of being
where do we start then?
honest about how we bring conflict into our everyday life and find other ways
of acting
ways of war in our households, personal relationships and how we see the world
and learning that ways of peace
this week invite you to take time
end each day to
reflect on and
give thanks for ways brought God’s peace into your day
reflect on in
what ways you brought or added to conflict in your day, and to ask yourself and
God what you need to unlearn, and what you need to learn to bring peace