Christmas is important but it is not the point

For many Advent is expectantly preparing for Christmas. I heard on Working Preacher this week Advent described as expectantly preparing for the Christ of History (Jesus, born on Christmas day, who lived the presence of God among us) so that we might more fully experience the Christ of mystery (the ongoing work on the risen Christ among us today) in order to prepare for the coming of Christ in Majesty (when all God hopes for comes to be). Christmas is important but it is not the point.
This week we are invited to expectantly prepare in hope. I really like Jim Wallis’ description of Christian hope as “…believing in spite of the evidence, and watching the evidence change.” As the climate change loom larger, as wars rage and poverty and human struggle seem to increase, what does this kind of hope look like for us? I wonder -
·     How has your hope in God changed over your life?
·     How does God’s hope change you?
·     How are we being invited into God’s hope as we look expectantly to the Christ of history, mystery and majesty?


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