Do Not Be Distracted

As we come to the end of this church year and finish our year in Luke’s Gospel, and as we approach Advent, this week’s readings, Isaiah 65:17-25 and Luke 21:5-19, invite us to pay attention to what is important and not allow ourselves to be distracted.

The passage from Luke is part of Jesus last words before the events of Good Friday – the end is near. These are part of Jesus’ final words of encouragement to those disciples in the story, to Luke’s community, and to us. We are all told to not be distracted. Not to be distracted by ostentatious displays of wealth and might – even when they are dedicated to God; nor by ongoing historical events, no matter how traumatic; nor by threats of our own doom. These are all distractions! Where we look is where we put our energy. Where we look shapes the direction of our lives. Where we look means everything. And Jesus was not and is not interested in people putting energy into any of these things. They are all distractions.

Instead we are to look to the coming reign of God so beautifully described in Isaiah. We are to look for the coming reign of God lived out in the story of Jesus told by Luke. Look there and Luke will have done his job, and we will be ready for Advent.


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