The Trap

Gate Pa –  32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time- Year C - 2019


Psalm -                        Psalm: 145:1-5-17-21                                                                                    

First Reading -                   Haggai 1:14-2:9                                

Second Reading -             2 Thess 2:1-5, 13-17                       

Gospel:                              Luke 20:27-38 

What I want to say:

I want to explore what “resurrection of the dead” means for us, and how that affects how we live our lives.

Jesus describes God as the “God of the Living”. How does that help or confuse?

Emerson Powery[i] talks about embodied resurrection – what is that?

What I want to happen:

How does any of this help us face issues of day

-          Parihaka

-          End WWI

-          End of Life Choice Bill

-          Climate change

-          Demise of Church

The Sermon

     1.     Introduction:

Jesus enters Jerusalem

It is nearly over

No longer a matter of if

But when and how it will unfold

The religion scholars and high priests wanted to lynch him, … but they were intimidated by public opinion. They knew the story was about them. Watching for a chance to get him, they sent spies who posed as honest inquirers, hoping to trick him into saying something that would get him in trouble with the law (Luke 20: 19-20. Msg)

So some Sadducees come and have a go

With tricky questions about resurrection,

-         7 brothers

-         One woman who fails to produce an heir

-         And marriage in the afterlife

     2.     Some observations before we start

Sadducees don’t believe in an afterlife

-         Religious conservatives

-         Nothing in 5 books Moses that supports this new-fangled idea

-         Comes from Persians or Greeks

-         Developed explain how come baddies seem to be winning all time

-         When is God’s justice?

System seems very patriarchal

-         Is all about preserving name of man

o   No afterlife –

o   Live on through descendants

-         All about ensuring male heir for family

-         Women gets no say in that

-         But also protects her

-         Widows were in very vulnerable position

o   Book of Ruth based on

-         System is patriarchal but there are some positives

     3.     Life after death

Resurrection is contentious issue

We need to be careful that what we think we mean by resurrection

is what Pharisees, Jesus, and gospel writers meant

so what do we mean by

“We look for the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the world to come.”?

è Conversation with neighbour

è Discussion/plenary

-         When

-         Where

-         What

-         Is everyone raised?

-         What is Sheol

-         What is Hades

-         Where does God fit in all this?

     4.     Embodied faith.

One commentators – Emerson Powery

Asks this question

What difference does this make for an embodied faith?

Key for him and many of commentators is that God is God of the living, not the dead

How we read and understand scripture is supposed to help us make sense of world we live in

Bring life, energy, meaning and substance to reality we find ourselves in and issues we have

God is God of the living

How that affect how we live our lives?

What difference make in face all issues we face

-           Demise of Church

-                     Parihaka

-           End WWI

-           End of Life Choice Bill

-           Climate change

Talk neighbours again




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