Zacchaeus - A Saint for All Saints

There are a lot of readings to choose from today. One is the great story of Zacchaeus – (Luke 19: 1-10), a dramatic story that still divides translators and commentators today. What did Jesus see in Zacchaeus; a money-grubbing chief tax collector with potential to change his ways, or an honest but deeply misunderstood tax collector. Did he promise to change his ways or simply state what he was already doing in response to the crowds’ antipathy?
What is important is that while the crowd just saw a greedy tax collector Jesus “sees” him, as he has seen so many in Luke’s gospel. While others simply dismiss people as tax collector, leper, Samaritan; Jesus sees them as children of God and treats them as such. He offers table fellowship with them and honours and blesses them. He invites us to do the same every time we gather around his table. In doing so we follow his way of life.
Today we give thanks for all those who have gathered around the table with Jesus over the centuries; the named and remembered saints, the forgotten saints, all those who have sought to live in Christ. And today we remember our departed loved ones who have helped shape us today, for better or for worse. It is a day to acknowledge our grief, as Habakkuk does, and to know that Jesus sees us and joins us in our grief and ongoing living. In all that I wonder who we might be invited to see?


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