A beginning

The real reason for this trip is a meeting of the Steering
Committee for the new International Anglican Youth Network.
It is a great group to belong to. It is inspring the hear
the issues faced by Anglicans around the world, and how they
respond. We are part of a church that is weeking to make a
realy difference in young peoples lives across the globe.
The last of our group arrived this morning, and we began our
meeting. More another time

Re yesterdays reflection on veneration. The following
comment was offered by my wife, Bonnie
" It's strange about the veneration thing - As you say, holy
sights are not in our cultural experience - except places
like Riverslea. You also have no reference points for many
of the places in the city - we don't see them on the news -
they're not in TV programmes - so you're a whole lot more
familiar with NY." Good points really.

I wasn't worried about the veneration thing, but intrigued
by it really. But I do feel like an outsider everywhere,
which is slightly off putting. I have seen some of it on tv.
Dome of the Rock, Holy Sepulchre, Damascus gate. I
recognised Holy Selpuchre when I stumbled over it accidently
on Monday. I wonder how this affects the way we practice
spriutality, and teh role of place in all of that, and how
that can be addressed in terms of youth ministry.

Questions to ponder another time



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