Is there hope in this land? That is a big question!

First, the meeting I came for. It is the Steering Committee of the International Anglican Youth Network. It was our first meeting. And part of our agenda was working out what we are on about, and what we should be doing. The group represents Youth Officers from Anglican Churches all over the world, with different languages, cultures, theologies, united in our work with young people. Part of what we worked
on what how to help this group communicate more, and work together. Another part was trying to respond to the Report (the Windsor Report) and how the Anglican Communion can continue to function in the face of different churches stands on homosexuality. My view is that it must continue, to do otherwise is an offence against the Gospel. That is made clear here in Jerusalem where we Christians still fight over who can use Holy Sepulcre when, like at Easter last year. We are so disunited, because pride in the past seperated us. We cannot seperate more!

I also think that we will only stay together if we really want to stay together, and not because we are made to sign up to an agreement that spells out what we can and can't do.

Finally, we will only stay together if we take Jesus words seriously, and stop trying to remove the speck out of each others eyes, and focus on the logs in our own eyes. None of us has the right to sit in judgement on anyone else, for we
are all sinners. We need greater humility as lived by Saint Francis.

Well, that will do for now, but I want to continue this with reference to Hope in this land.



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