A Day Walking with Jesus

It didn't snow to day, but it was close while we were in Bethlehem.

Today we have been to Bethlehem, which meant leaving our guide and bus in Israel,(as no Israeli is allowed into the West Bank cities) and getting a Palestinian guide and vans.

It was very different with this group than being with the group last week. Some of them are struggling with the whole scene really. I am however grateful that it is quiet, and that I have had time to stop and pray there.

After serious shopping in Bethlehem, we went on to the scale model of the Roman Jerusalem, which was very helpful. Then on to the via delarosa, lunch (at 2pm) and then on to Holy Sepulchre, again for me. I am begining to get into that place now, and am finding it much more helpful and deepening. After going to the Western wall, and praying again for peace, the rest went back to the bus, and I walked back
through the old city. Most of our group were amazed I had even been to the old city on my own, and couldn't imagine walking back when it was getting dark. Even Ehud warned me because I was in an Arab area. Next week I will have to be out after dark to eat dinner. And now I have just been to the Ash Wednesady service at the catheral, which was in Arabic.

Tommorrow we are off with a new guide to Galillee. It is forecast to be cold and snowing till Saturday, the end of the tour.

Time for dinner I think.



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