Broken Windows


Hebrew Scripture:     2 Samuel 5: 1-5, 9-10

Psalm:                         48

Epistle:                        2 Corinthians 12: 2-10           

Gospel:                        Mark 6: 1-13  

What I want to say:

use todays readings to explore our reaction to the broken windows

What I want to happen:

People to consider what symbol we offer in our reaction to what happens to our building

The Sermon

1.      Introduction: David

Pretty interesting readings this morning
what is interesting for me 2 Samuel reading
is what is left out rather than what is there
last week Saul dies
seem have story David’s seamless coronation as King
            whole heap verses and 7 ½ years missing
                        missed out very bloody, slow process
that is full treachery, betrayal, murder and execution, and the odd civil war.
could be left what lectionary writers have given us
with impression that because David was God’s anointed all went swimmingly, - but didn’t
long slow process.
also number people today think because Christian life should all go swimmingly.
like David, it doesn’t
also interested that this morning left out verses heard 2 Sam
which deal with David’s taking of Jerusalem from Jebusites
what is interesting
            both left out
            so few verses given describe this event, given how important Jerusalem was to become.
nothing religious about this act
nothing to do with God and this being God’s city (Psalm describes it)
just very strategic move
            not in any tribes land
            between two kingdoms, -
act neutral ground
like Canberra in Australia or Washington DC in USA

2.      Psalm and Jerusalem

not get that idea from Psalm read
one group Psalms acclaim Jerusalem as City of God
            Samuel it is city of David
                        his city then
still city David today
despite what psalm says – wasn’t particularly big, or rich, or even impressive
                        small regional city
for David all about strategic importance,
both politics Israel and in local area
what Psalm tells us is that city important political and military reasons
became important religious symbol 
            symbol God’s presence with Hebrew people
God’s faithfulness, eternal love, and strength
problem is when symbol got confused with things it symbolised
            city became all important
people thought that because temple in city, they could not loose
began trust in symbol rather than in God
            hard lesson
Jerusalem also symbolised different things to different groups of people
Despite original neutral position
            became associated with David and his line
                        became associated with southern tribes and kingdom
            for northern tribes – became symbol of their oppression under David’s grandson
symbol political and religious domination by line David
became important to sever all ties, political and religious with this symbol
today Jerusalem is just as fraught a symbol

3.      This church is a symbol

Just as Jerusalem is and was a symbol for people of God
this church is a symbol
wonder what it symbolises for us?
what does it symbolise for us? ask
            mixed symbol
symbol of colonial greed
symbol of lost mana and economic self determination
                        others of something like forget about
            much no idea it is here
We, like Israelites have to be careful not to confuse this symbol with reality of God
really hard windows are being broken
what is it we would like to symbolise with our response?

4.      Marks Gospel

Marks Gospel is pretty crunchy
first part flies face all want Christianity to be “family based”
After stunning stories last week Jesus goes home
his small poor village Nazareth
            200 people
live in caves
            all related in some way
            all have place
            determined by their family
Jesus is well known
place is carpenter/stone mason
probably means had leave for work big building projects
maybe – able send money home
that was his place
no longer carpenter
no longer in his place
already had run in family
rescue him
            thought mad
take home
return him place and role in life among whanau
Jesus response is to again challenge social system on which everything is based
that of family
offers revolutionary thought
new social structure
new way building community
of not excluding people
all seen as important as your family, even those traditionally hate.
what does that say to us as we look at our windows?

5.      Sending out disciples

then sends out disciples
this piece most difficult for me as a Franciscan
            this one passages really excited Francis
            Luke or Matthew versions did
                        no sandals
                        no staff
invited Francis embrace poverty
take literally Jesus command to sell all you have
and give to the poor.
why would Jesus do that?
what is wrong with comfort?
1:  easier to travel
unencumbered by property
2:  St. Dominic at time of Francis as he established Order of Preachers (or Dominicans as we know them)
realised difficult preach and live out gospel among to the poorest society
when come position of relative power and wealth
3:  property creates a barrier
            between people
            between us and God
defend it
become suspicious of others and their intentions towards our property
                        see that all time politics
creates an us and them
we look at those who gather outside this symbol and wonder what their intent
we want (and rightly so) to defend this place and maintain it
barriers are forms
struggle to see risen Christ in others

6.      Struggle

to be honest I struggle with this. 
But I can't ignore it.
I struggle with my response to the broken windows
desire retribution
            hope it will stop
for me this church is a place of peace and hope
            under threat when windows are broken
today’s readings invite me to keep struggling
            ask where is real source of peace and hope
I have no easy answers
I wish I did
let’s pause
be still
pray those who do this
pray that this will not be a barrier
that we will see risen Christ in all, even those who break these windows
pray for us in our struggle


This was a very touching article, please post more content I am very religious.

-Solomon Berkovitch

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