The week that is and was

Phew. This has been a big week. I had Monday off because that is what one is traditionally supposed to do if you are a vicar, and I was knackered!!!  A good day of sleeping, and a bit of gymning and taking the dog for a walk on the beach. Oh, and I watched some recorded TV. Awesome day.

Tuesday: mid week communion service, then meeting someone for spiritual direction (I am a spiritual director). Time for more coffee at that point. But no, a young woman and her cousin came to check out the church for a wedding. So, now coffee and after a very yummy lunch of left over Indian curry I met with the wardens to organise our vestry planning day. And then for there to a meeting with a group to work on a replacement for our parish administrator. A really big day. Lucky, after sitting on an exercise cycle and reading for 40 minutes I went with the "family" pub quiz team to the pub, and came second.

Wednesday: meeting someone for supervision (I also do ministry supervision). I then did some preliminary work on the readings for Sunday.Some where in here was clearing a whole lot of emails, planning what I needed to do this week, sending in a motion for our regional conference, and o yes, a sleep and more yummy curry. Then another meeting, a management committee meeting for our outreach into the community, and op shop; Centrepoint. A little more prep on the Sunday readings, and then a meeting with a young woman who is coming to the parish to be an intern for three months. We then checked out where she will live, and then we had dinner. The Regional youth person was there as well.

Today, Thursday was a good day. I had a morning with nothing organised, where I was able do a lot more work on a sermon, finish the pew sheet stuff for Sunday, and finalise trying to find a place for a daughter of a parishioner to do some volunteer work overseas. (It is at times like this being part of a network of the International Anglican Youth Network comes in real useful). After lunch (left over Italian made by our brand new Italian student last night) I met with a couple to do some preliminary work on their wedding. My first proper wedding interview as vicar. It went quite well I think. A nice couple. Then a meeting with our assistant priest, including lessons on how to work a data projector. Back to the gym for more reading.

tomorrow, I am excited about the restart of preschool music. we are going to walk with the parachute, and dance to goodnight bear. It is sad that I know both these songs. But that is ministry. then a sermon needs to written, expol underfloor insulation needs to be bought, and plastic sheets, and maybe even do some visiting if all goes well. We shall see.

Saturday is a vestry planning day. Sunday is church and planning for next Sunday, and full on interactive service. Mean. A big week.


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