T-shirts designed to motivate

I have been to the last four General Synods/Hinota Whanui (The parliament of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia) in my previous role in youth ministry. It is a little odd not being there. Strangely I really enjoyed it. I guess I am a meeting junky.

In that youth ministry role I have spent many hours working with others to prepare the report on youth ministry in our church. We did some really creative, inspiring and cool stuff. We were also accused of emotional blackmail by some people who did not thing youth ministry was very important, but felt unable to say so.

I am impressed by what the Tikanga Toru Youth Commission has done this time. Well done Michael Tamihere and the whole team. Now we pray that these delegates will act out what they have been applauded when they get home.


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