Our Hearts Desire


Hebrew Scripture:     2 Samuel 1; 1, 17-27
Psalm:                     130
Epistle:                       2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Gospel:                       Mark 5: 21-43


The Sermon

1.     Introduction:

The word of knowledge about my heart’s desire
What is your heart’s desire?
– think about it

2.     Mark today is all about hearts desire

·        basic level
            Jairus – heart’s desire daughter live and become woman she is on verge becoming
            unnamed women – heart’s desire – after 12 long years of suffering under others - healed and restored to life in her community
·        within Marks gospel
o   3rd of 3 stories place Jesus as fulfilment ultimate hears desire
§  end of time – when bad people get comeuppance
§  God’s reign peace justice begins
            calming of storm – we will see links
            healing possessed on other side – dark lands of gentile – God’s mercy and goodness is at work even there
            this story when then goes back
Jesus is one defeats all powers evil, brings healing and hope and life for all, defeating even death.

3.     This story

no matter where stand whether Jesus actually healed and raised people from dead or not
            don’t want get tied down that
remarkable story
for a start- Jairus and women are not Jesus normal clientele
– ministry mostly with poor, orphaned and widowed, very sick – people have been seen beyond God’s love and mercy and have been excluded from community
Jairus – leader of synagogue – one ruling elite
women had disposable money spend for 12 years worthless medical advice – well beyond means average Israelite and certainly those Jesus usually deals with
so he and his disciples return
            into crush humanity (Greek makes this very clear)
2 astounding things happen
            first Jairus comes before him and abases himself in front of all these people looked down on for so long
                        suffers humiliation for his daughter
            then women enters crowd – although she is unclean
                        Comes alone at risk family name
                        Deliberately reaches out and touches garment of man
Hoping beyond hope 
Unlike disciples last week filled with fear and frozen into inaction
She overcomes her fear, has faith and acts.
            Trusts in God’s love, goodness and mercy
her action heals her
not Jesus
her faith and action
Tell disciples very tired at this point with all this sailing and crowds and so on
            Jesus says “someone touched me” and they almost mock
                        They are disciples
                        He is their master and they mock?
um, really, in this crowd. come on!
Jesus is insistent
She risks all and owns up and confesses all
takes fate into own hands
this woman spent last 12 years mercy others hand
male hands
determinedly charts own course
            How does Jesus respond?
                        Gently restoring her to life
                        Life as full member this society
                                    No longer sick, unclean, on the edge.
                        What Jesus does again and again?

4.     The girl

Face of that example of faith, of trust – messenger comes
She is dead
There is no hope
Leave this man and his strange ways
Come home and grieve
Jesus ignores them and again reframes statement last week
Do not fear, have faith, trust.
Then, unlike todays healers who gather crowd and broadcast of TV across the globe so that God (and they) can be glorified
Jesus leaves the crowd and most of the disciples
takes father
and 3 closest disciples so that mentor them
Evicts the startled mourners
Invites dead girl to get up
And restores her to the normal routines of life – feed her
            do not treat her differently
            she is fully restored
And then says the craziest thing of all
Tell no-one!
You don’t think having this girl who was dead walking around, living life, getting married won’t be a bit of a give-away???

5.     So what

Not just story from long ago
We are invited into this story
where are we?
what is Christ the Word inviting us to today through this story

Trust that you are held in God’s mercy, goodness and love


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