An Honourable Way to Die - The Life and Times of John the Baptist

 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
15 July 2012
Hebrew Scripture:              2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19
Psalm:                                    24
Epistle:                   Ephesians 1: 3-14               
Gospel:                 Mark 6: 14-29

What I want to say:
remember and celebrate John
explore the role he plays as link – last first Testament prophet
explore story his death and honour that
ask, what does God invite us to in this story of John?
                gave everything in response to God’s love
                bold and courageous
                perceptive – recognised Jesus as “the one”
                willing to get out of the way

Recite the Benedictus (Song of Zechariah) in response

What I want to happen:
I want us to think about how we are John the Baptist in our time and place.

The Sermon
1.      Introduction:
Today remember and celebrate John the Baptist
not his day:
June 24 – or
August 29 – Beheading of St. John the Baptist
? what do we know about John?
·         like David was – whole hearted
·         little crazy
·         very popular – Josephus far more popular than Jesus
o   Jesus only begin ministry once John arrested
§  no room him until that point
·         baptised Jesus – which Mark and others very careful how tell story
                both honours John,
claims John
                clear Jesus not need this for repentance              
                                nor that less John
2.       Forerunner
                last of OT prophets
 – Mark 1 preached repentance
– personal sin -no such thing just personal sin
sin always includes communal and social sin
about how whole society functions
                who did he attract?
preached in wilderness
-> symbolic withdrawn existing social system
                                                People came – Judea rural poor
-          Jerusalem poor, artisans, those risk lives and shame travelling
3.       Honour shame society
                one important things need understand as read gospels
is that society is one based on honour and shame
then and now place society established by honour  family
                                life spent maintaining that honour
accumulating honour
and avoiding shame
                                graphically saw this week execution woman in Afghanistan
                                establish your honour through genealogy / whakapapa
                                how live lives as family
4.       Imprisonment and Beheaded by Herod
o   honour and shame what is behind Johns imprisonment and death
o   called out Herod Antipas and Herodias -  sought to shame them
§  marriage wrong all kinds of levels
·         Herod son Herod Great,
·         Herodias grand daughter
o   Herod’s niece
o   (Herod Great had 10 wives and 15 children, came from different maternal lines)
·          both married when first met, Herod visited brother (also really called Herod)
o   he divorced his wife – daughter Arab king – Herod’s later defeat by Aretas seen God’s punishment
o   Herodias also divorces husband
o   marriage wrong
§  brought huge loss honour and buckets shame
o   But no-one seems to be saying anything
§  massive failure social religious system
o   calling out Herod and Herodias
o   calling out social elite who accepted shameful set events
o   calling out religious leaders remained silent – although clear breach of law
·         John taking on ruling elite
o   super popular
o   no-one knows where this will end
o   decided that he should end
o   today’s gospel

5.       The creepy story
creepy story of creepy couple
                no way that step daughter, whatever age should be dancing like this deemed public arena
                                reserved family only
                                                should bring shame
                                wonder what Herod and Herodias thinking – allowing or encouraging this to happen
not bring honour house
                drunken enthusiasm
maybe to cover up shamefulness of event
– Promises anything wants – even half kingdom –
                                kingdom not his to give
                                only has it by permission Rome
loose later nephew, Herodias’ brother Agrippa
                Herodias sees chance rid herself and family pesky prophet heaps so much shame on them
asks for his head
                clearly influence continued from prison
Herod is pictured as being reluctant in his ordering of the execution
given his word
not do so invite not only shame
                raise doubts supporters minds how trustworthy he is

6.       John and us
then what more can we say about John
                confronted forces  worked against God’s justice and peace
                                worked against kind of society pictured by prophets
let nothing stand in his way
willing to pay the price

7.       Song of Zechariah
Mark not talk about childhood of anyone
Luke records early story John
and includes song of thanksgiving  father Zechariah gave at circumcision
Song Zechariah – recited Christians in morning office at least last 1500 years.
we going recite it in moment instead creed
two parts
first affirms the messianic hope – God’s rule restored
                deliverance is near at hand
second outlines Johns role in that as the forerunner,
"go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways" (v. 76) was of course an allusion to the well-known words of Isaiah 40:3
Interesting thing about that is places us in place John
        we become forerunner
        we ones prepare way Lord
                        in our time
                        in our community
                confront forces  work against God’s justice and peace
                                work kind of society pictured by prophets
let nothing stand in our way
as we recite this canticle
invite us consider what does that mean for us?


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