We at last meet Mary - Theme for the week:

Theme for the week:

Each week I write a short introduction to the themes I initially identify out of the readings. I thought I would share them here once they are written.
Here is the theme for this week, Advent 4. The Gospel is Luke 1: 39-45

We at last meet Mary, this astoundingly brave and faithful young woman. Today’s gospel can be read as two women going through the same thing, their first pregnancy, and spending time encouraging each other. And yet what they are going through is at polar opposites. Elizabeth is celebrating the end of her shame, and the gift of a child that makes her complete. She can take her place in her community with no hesitation or shame. Zechariah has a son to follow him serving in the Temple.
Mary’s pregnancy, unlike Elizabeth’s, only brings shame and danger. Mary has fled for her life. Luke tells us she “went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country”. Her pregnancy brings a mountain of shame on her family, and on Joseph’s family. While we know this child is God’s gift to all, nearly every other player in this story can only see an immoral girl who deserves either death, or ostracism. Mary understood the risks. She heard the angel’s invitation (I guess it was hard to not hear). She understood the magnitude of what has happened. She would have been terrified! And yet she said yes.
May we take time this Christmas to hear God’s invitation on us as God’s people in this place. May we take time to understand the magnitude of that invitation. May we pray that God will give us the courage of Mary, that we might truly be all God invites us to be.


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