Click here to protect the Denniston plateau

One of the things I remember from doing zoology is that so much of our flora and fauna is unique to this country, and precious. From that point of view it is important to protect it.

I also believe that how we treat our environment is a sign of how we will treat people. It is shown that people who treat pets badly are more likely to grow up to be serious offenders. So when a government ignores the environment, it is a sign for me that things will be bad for people in the country. I could go on to talk about this government, about who a cabinet that mostly chooses to send their children to private schools is now making detrimental decisions for the vast majority of children in this country, simply to help pay for tax cuts for the wealthy we could not afford.

At some point we must stand against this insanity, and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. We must stand for God's creation, and seek its good.


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