Aquila Game Park

Today we were picked up at 6.30am and then driven for 3 hours north to the Aquila Game Park. The countryside up there is spectacular. Rugged hills pushed up by huge tectonic forces that leave these striations at all kinds of crazy angles. A harsh dry environment, from which comes grapes and cherries.
The Game Park welcomed us with a very nice all you can eat breakfast. Then we set off in our wee vehicle. I could tell it was going to be cold when they gave us a blanket and hot water bottle. And it. When the sun was out and the wind dropped it was almost warm. The rest of the time it was just nasty. But, whatever. We had a hot water blanket.
We set off and over the next two hours sat and watched hippos, elephants (we had to quickly move out of the way of one of those - it was not going to walk around us) zebras, springboks, black and blue wildebeest, water buffalo, lions, giraffes, eland, ostrich, white rhinos, and a leopard in the animal rescue centre. And we saw several groups on the road coming and going. There are lots of baboons around here. They get into peoples houses, open fridges, jars all sorts of things looking for good. it is so weird having them around like that.
Then we had another buffet lunch, and the long drive back. No need for dinner tonight. Photos can be found on my facebook page.

The weather for the rest of the week looks spectacular, but bad for things like going up Table Mountain, going out to Robben Island, or going whale watching. it should all clear up on Saturday. Never mind. Tomorrow our tour guide is taking us out again to Cape Point and along the Atlantic coast (I am on the Indian Ocean coast here) and then into Capetown. What ever the weather throws at us it will be a good day.


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