
Yesterday was my last formal engagement. It was the Regional Chapter. This was a highlight. When I was last here 3 years ago we held a two day regional Chapter. But for various reasons only people for Guadalcanal, Savo and by accident Ysabel were there. We spent along time working out what kind of structure would help Melanesia stand on it's own feet. Then we elected people to each of those positions. While they developed a budget and hopes on how to raise the money, there was a sense that they would struggle. And so it proved.
This Chapter had representatives from nearly every Area, (not Vanuatu). We reviewed and affirmed the structure put in place three years ago and new people were then elected into all but one of those positions. The new Regional Minister then chaired the last half of the meeting. (It is really hard chairing a meeting when you understand less than half of what is being said). There is a real sense of hope and energy and I look forward to what the next three years brings.
At the end I was asked to lead night prayer. Luckily it was one developed for a training event for Anglican Religious a year or two back, and so was beased on the SSF Office. The Melanesian Prayer Book spends a lot of time on how sinful we are. Alot! And the night prayer ends with a confession, a long confession. I liked this one with a short confession to start with. Anyhow, I again used the service for a new guradian to both release those who have finished in their roles, and to pray for those who were beginning. I also used "Lord it is night" from our prayer book.
I was asked to say a few words to finish before the prayers. I said I came hoping for three things. the first was to spend time with friends and meet new people, and to get to understand TSSF in Melanesia more. The second was to hopefully offer some thoughts that might be helpful in their growth as Franciscans. The third was to help Melaneisa take some more steps to stand on their own feet, to grow up and no longer be the little brother in this Province. I reminded them that to eat an elephant you have to take one bite at a time, and not eat the whole elephant in one bite. That would cause you to choke, and poossibly die. One bite at a time. I feel condient that we have taken another bite on this trip. I think God has used my visit to act as a catalyst for several Areas to gather and refocus, recommitt. And the chapter has taken some more steps forward. I hope that Betsy, the new Regional Formation Director, does get out and offer traning on how to use the Novice notes that she and Rose have developed. It is what is being asked for. I hope that they will continue to develop their processes for how to elect peoplle to profession. and I hope they continue to work on their vision, how they with the First Order can offer the Solomon Islands a Franciscan way and help the country reconcile, and grow spiritually and economically. I think the new Regional Minister will help a lot in this. He is chaplian at Bishop Patteson Theological College at Kohimaramara, and with Betsy has begun a small exxport company for people across the Solomons wanting to export wood for the best price. They take very little cut on this, and are helping communites across Malaita and other Islands become much more economically self sufficient.


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