
It seems a lot of this journey is about God teaching me stuff. The plane down was overloaded, so they needed to reduce weight. They asked for volunteers to take the next plane on Monday, but no one volunteered so they off loaded a whole lot of bags, mine included. I discovered this as I stood around waiting for my bag to come off the plane. It did not come off. I was told it would arrive on Monday. At first i was grumpy as. Why leave my bag? Why not a local persons bag. They would have other clothes to wear. Me, I have nothing. Worse, all the manuals and crosses for the novicings and professions were in the bag, with all the other paper. Plus my drugs to keep me going. But I was surprisingly quickly able to see the other side and take this as an opportunity to embrace simplicity. I went out and bought a tee-shirt and lavalava to wear at the transit house and to sleep in, and some soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, and deodorant. And I have survived. It has been a good learning.


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