
Our journey to Malaita was nice. It was good to see Tulagi again, and St. Clare's clinic near Taroniala. I had no idea the channel between Little Gela and Big Gela was so long. It was very beautiful.
We were met by Fr. Wilfred at the wharf who took us to St. Francis House where John and I were staying, and where the TSSF brothers were beginning to gather. I had an experience that took me aback. It showed me up badly. When Brother Athanasius showed me my room, the first thing I noticed was that it was dark and grimy. Yes the door and walls were grimy, but the floor was clean and the bed cleanly made and all was make ready for me. I could not believe I could be so ungrateful, so unreceiving of the kind and generous hospitality offered me. I was humbled and was truly grateful for everything from that point on. It was a good learning for a so called Franciscan.
Wilfred explained what the Quiet Time in the programme was, - that was the retreat time for me to lead them. So after a super large lunch (Lunch and dinner were very similar, and came with stacks of rice - too much rice) and a moe, and worked out what I might say that night, what I might preach about the next morning at Eucharist, and some beginning thoughts for my sermons in Makira on Sunday. Some key things I talked about were: that we are Franciscans, first and foremost, and everything I do and we do comes out of that place; we are equal members of the Franciscan family, so that means we have the responsibility to live out the Franciscan charism as much as the first order; because we are Franciscan we are always in the company of our brothers and sisters, when we pray we pray with them. I talked about Susan Pitchford and her chapter on why follow Francis, and some of my reasons (the SSF brothers I met at youth camps at Riverslea, looking for something more authentic than normal church offers and being inspired by Francis and those early brothers). I also talked about how following Francis has changed me, and then got people into groups to talk about why they follow Francis, how following Francis has changed them and what has lead to that change. After time in discussion we shared in the larger group, and I asked them what they needed from each other and what they needed from the wider Order. With that we finished for the night.
The next morning I presided and preached at our Eucharist at 6.30. It was the feast of St. James, the first martyr.
We had a really good chapter. All the paper i had brought with me was greatly appreciated. They asked about the Regional Chapter three years ago, which given i had written to every Chaplain and Convenor about that event surprised me. Clearly that information did not get passed on. We need much better lines of communication with Malaita and Makira I suspect. However they elected three new officers, Chaplain, Treasurer and Novice Counsellor to work with the Convenor which relieves David of being the only one who will organise meetings. They can now work to meet several times a year and i will send over more information when I get home. A good meeting!!! And one of their number will travel to Honiara for the Regional chapter on Tuesday week. Excellent.
In the afternoon we travelled around dropping off brothers at their home village, and visiting the hospital, the cathedral and the village built for the Arts Festival last year. It has been a good day.


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